Karma Makes Attractive Force Until All Karma is Resolved in Love- By: Hans Neukomm

Description : Karma caused together in past embodiments may attract the souls in any future incarnation until such Karma is totally resolved. It may be dissolved by suffering the Karma originally caused, or by dissolving it with Love . Naturally it can be dissolved via the grace in the Divine flame of his Love if anyone asks God to remove such Karma and free the soul again. Karma is neither good nor bad, it is merely like a magnetism and can be caused by a number of different activities from either side of the couple.

Whatever one does to anyone in your ideas, your fantasy, or your activities, is coming back to you one day, unless you have resolved this particular Karma in however possible. There could be a wish or a promise to anyone to have a child together, that may cause 2 souls to stay together for a while , there may be some ancient fighting that may need to be resolved, or they have become inseparable allies and are pulled by their friendship and Passion for each other. Quite often however, the magnetism of Karma drawing 2 individuals is rather of the struggling sort.

Two enemies may come together in a future embodiment by being mother - daughter or father - son or any other combining of near relationship . Incarnating as a child of a old rival will certainly cause most mothers fathers, without knowing about the common past of all involved , simply to love the newborn. This Love starts to dissolve all the Karma between the parties regarded in that karma. Love is the fastest and smoothest way of resolving any karma. Love is the way of God. Passion automatically guides to God.

Later during life, some or all of the Karma may run out or the powers of the remaining Karma toward other souls outside this human relationship may become stronger than the one between the two . This may now make the beginning of a change in life for one or both of the two souls involved. One or both may start to orient themselves toward other people, eventually toward another single person. The person having the next most crucial Karma with that person or just a person helping - usually helping the weaker one - out of our present day situation to overcome the change of life and helping to reorient in life after having won the new liberty from the former married person . Such a helping person may be called accelerator. He appears of a sudden in the life of a person , does his task and goes away again. He may stay just a very good friend or wholly vanishes out of sight for the remainder of this embodiment. Someone just coming into your life, getting you out of your apparent death-end road and once you are secure again, says good bye. He then may have to follow his own way of living again.

These links of karma are naturally more complicated than just described. But this is the basic physiology of karmic links in living and you should now better understand why a situation in your life suddenly changes, why the attraction toward one single person gone away and of a sudden other souls appear to be of more interest to you.

Laws and principles as described in the chapter about the physiology of samyama may also be involved in this process , and also the evolution of your surroundings and your spouse or your entire house . We all are one with God and one with our environment . Thus we are influenced by our environment and at the same time having ourselves an influence on our environment . We are piece of the process of life and evolution and we are life and evolution ourselves. The driving forces behind all is the divine heart of our soul, our divine heritage received from God assures that finally we all evolve and may one day return to our divine home in Divinity.

Karma is vitality. Energy is life. Life is continuously changing . Karma is continuously changing. All these situations as described above may change within a few years or even suddenly within hours or even minutes and thus entirely change your life . Everything is altering quicker now than during the centuries before and might speed up still further in future. Begin to learn a lifestyle that does free you from any karma. A life style that sustains your learning and exercising pure divine love progressively. To learn to love is much easier in a peaceful and loving surroundings . There is no need to go through hell on earth just because you once some fight with someone. Stop all fighting. Start to love and all karma ends.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : Hans Neukomm is a born farmer son, creator and publisher of the Cyberspace Ashram for Kriya Yoga, God and Love with free online teachings of love and tutorials on how to enjoy a happy life. Enjoy beautiful messengers of love free Postales, beautiful ecards for all occasions of love rosa roja. Roses are flowers of love to join hearts and worlds in all languages Grusskarten Liebe.